Yoga in Portugal

Yoga in Portugal

from $750.00


A Consciously Curated Experience by Grace In Nature
OCTOBER 4-11, 2024*

*Optional add-on to join us in Lisbon from OCTOBER 11-14!

Last date to register is July 15, 2024.


Yoga Retreat in Olhão (October 4-11)

The total cost, excluding airfare to/from Portugal, is: 
Shared Accommodations — $2,395
Single Accommodations — $3,295

A deposit of $750 is required to reserve a space. This trip is strictly limited to 14 participants. 

Optional Add-On: Explore Lisbon (October 11-14)

The total cost, including transportation from Olhão to Lisbon, is
Shared Accommodations — $1,550
Single Accommodations — $1,850

Total Cost for Both Olhão & Lisbon (October 4-14)

Total cost for BOTH retreats:
Shared Accommodations — $3,955 
Single Accommodations — $5,145 

Pricing Options:
Pay Now